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从医学角度讲,哮喘的根本原因是未知的。遗传起着一定的作用; 哮喘往往运行在家庭,尤其是在有很多过敏人的家庭。哮喘发作可能由多种触发因素:









排泄能力削弱被几个解读列为一个致病因素。无法排出的循环毒素可刺激肺部,引发哮喘发作。肝系统的排毒不畅,出现在关于哮喘几个解读里。凯西描述的肝系统,包括肝脏,心脏和肺这些“肝前循环”的器官。 根据凯西解读,肺部代表排泄的渠道之一,而肝脏可以消除来自系统的毒素。因此,肺部可能对呼吸系统毒性积累进行反应。









几种药物被凯西推荐给哮喘的人。Calcidin(Calcium Iodate碘酸钙)是特别值得注意的。在凯西的时代,Calcidin是作为一个对治呼吸问题的非处方药。大多数情况下,它是在哮喘发作时的急救手段。目前,Calcidin一般不提供,必须由医生处方。



   As to the NERVE SYSTEM, here we find what may be termed the cause or the seat of the disorder.  In times back - seventeen, sixteen, seventeen (this winter) - there was a distress that was brought on by a germ, or "flu", or deep cold, that with a subluxation already existent which made a tendency in the direction produced a slowing of the circulation through the bronchi and through the larynx.  This, then, through the slowed circulation, tended to make for a plethora there, when there were almost those reactions of a form of pneumonia, or inflammation of the lung itself; but the high temperature, the slow blood supply, formed a lesion or a clot, or a thickening of the tissue in the bronchi itself. Hence we have with excess of heat, or with a pressure from even disagreeing properties for digestion, or that requiring the circulation to be drawn to other portions of the body, that which produces spasmodic asthmatic conditions in the bronchi itself.  This makes for a filling of the tubes and a shortening of the breath, and slowing still farther the circulation through the lungs in the lower portions (and upper portion on the right side), and - causing the distresses and the deep circulation in attempting to fill - makes for a breath that makes for panting, requiring that something will allow the passages for the air into the lungs to be excited to such an extent as to reduce this plethora or fullness that is caused there.
When there is an asthmatic spasmodic reaction, we will find that the inhalation of properties combined in this manner would be MOST beneficial: 

    To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol, add - in this order and quantity:
    Eucalyptol, Oil of.............20 minims, 
    Rectified Creosote..............3 minims, 
    Tincture of Benzoin..........15 minims, 
    Rectified Oil of Turp.........10 minims, 
    Tincture of Tolu in solution...20 minims.
    Keep this in a container at least twice the size of the quantity, or a 6 to 8 ounce container with a glass cork, you see.  Inhale the fumes, when this solution is shaken together, deep into the lungs and bronchi 2, 3, 4 times each day.  Of course, this - as any condition - might be overdone, but take 3 to 4 deep inhalations whenever it is necessary - 3 to 4 times a day.
We would also take at such periods a grain Calcidin tablet, which will alleviate the lung activity and make for better conditions in the system.
    Also at times, not always - but when the condition especially is bad in the evenings, or when there is damp weather, or when there is the tendency or the approach of storms or the like - we would use the pure APPLE brandy; not Apple Jack nor cider, but BRANDY - apple brandy.  A small quantity of it.  Or, to 4 to 6 ounces of same add 1/2 ounce of Rock Candy.  Shake this together until it is dissolved. Do not take at a dose more than a teaspoonful, or a good swallow - which would be 2 teaspoonsful. Never more than that much, and let it go down VERY slowly, see?
    Now, as to the CORRECTIVE measures that will alleviate the condition:
    There should be about ten or twelve chiropractic adjustments made in the cerebrospinal system, especially in the 3rd and 4th dorsal center; and make the adjustment from the RIGHT side.  Necessary, of course, that a little massage be given through the cervical area at such an adjustment.
    After these treatments; that is, several months afterwards, or until the condition begins to improve; we would use the electrically driven vibrator, using the cup applicator directly on the body over the whole of the cerebrospinal system.  Then take the ball or the little hard applicator and apply from the 9th dorsal to the base of the brain on either side of the cerebrospinal system itself.  Go down on the one side, then go down on the other; but let these come FROM the head toward the central portion of the body, bearing rather hard - or making a DEEP vibration, see?
    Be mindful with the diet, that there are not those things that will tend to make for irritation to the respiratory system or the bronchi itself; that is, never too much of the tuberous nature of vegetables, and no hog meat - save there may be taken a little crisp bacon of mornings at times, but NO hog meat!  If meat at all is to be taken, it would be principally fish, fowl, mutton or the like.  Never fried meats.  If beef is to be taken, let it rather be in the form of the juices of same - that is, with stews and the like, see?  More of the leafy vegetables, and not too much of those that are of the too great quantity of starch; though corn may be taken in moderation, especially the roasting ears if they are BOILED - not fried, but boiled!  Then the corn may be cut off the cob and prepared in that manner for the body, or it may be eaten off the cob.  But the mastication of the food for this body should be the greater principle.  Chew any mouthful of food at least fourteen times.  Even in drinking water, CHEW it - or masticate it at least three or four times.  That is, sip it - let the activity of the glands in the mouth mingle well with the water; not gulping it but sipping it gently.

    And this will bring very great relief to the body. With the end of the chiropractic adjustments given in the area specifically as outlined, also begin taking Atomidine; never more than three minims in a glass of water, and sip this water as well as all the other that is taken.  This dosage may be taken twice each day, before the morning meal and just before retiring.    (595-1)





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